Celebrating 40 years with the Herald-Tribune


How do I say thank you to readers, sources and colleagues who have been so essential, helpful and supportive over the 40 years of my newspaper career, all at theĀ Herald-Tribune Media Group?

By holding a modest (and free) celebration from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 8, in the lobby and plaza of the Herald-Tribune, 1741 Main St., Sarasota.

There will be refreshments, and I am told there will be a microphone (uh-oh). Readers and sources are most welcome.

Harold Bubil

Recipient of the 2015 Bob Graham Architectural Awareness Award from the American Institute of Architects/Florida-Caribbean, Harold Bubil is real estate editor of the Herald-Tribune Media Group. Born in Newport, R.I., his family moved to Sarasota in 1958. Harold graduated from Sarasota High School in 1970 and the University of Florida in 1974 with a degree in journalism. For the Herald-Tribune, he writes and edits stories about residential real estate, architecture, green building and local development history. He also is a photographer and public speaker. Contact him via email, or at (941) 361-4805.
Last modified: November 30, 2014
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